Grits & Eggs

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"weekend over view"


The weekend is almost over.

Saturday I slept in. Tim had to work so I just lazed around and cleaned up some. My neighbor called and wanted to know if I would watch her daughter (5 months old) while her and friends went out to eat and dinner. Her husband is TDY for a couple more months and she has not been able to go out with her friends without the baby.I had offered before and I am glad she took me up on the offer. I wanted to watch the baby. So she brought her over about 5:30. I fed her two little jars of baby food. She said she is just starting to eat baby food. I htink she spit more out than what wnet in! She kept pushing it out with her tongue. I guess she hasn't gotten the hang of it yet! I never could get her to nap. When TIm got home, he wanted to go out to eat, so I got the baby ready in her car seat. The mom said if we needed to go somewhere we could.

It was so easy to get her seat in the Explorer. No bending over. With Tim and I both getting it in, it didn't take but a minute. We were kind of using this as practice! LOL

We went to Shoney's. Marrianna slept part of the way over, thank goodness! When we got there, all the emplyees said how cute she was and asked how old she was. I was like, uhh, uhhh, I'm not sure. Maybe 6 months? I had not asked Theresa that. I couldn't remember the exact month. So I had to explain we were babysitting. I know now that she is 5 months old. I asked later when she picked her up!

Well, she was good the whole time. Just sat is her carrier and looked around. Right before our order came I noticed her diaper was wet so I took her to the restroom. I think I was doing pretty good. We had everyone convinced she was ours if we hadn't told them she was our neighbors! LOL So I guess we looked comfortable with her. She didn't cry at all while we were there. Our waitress was so nice. She is very personable. If we go back, we will have to request her. She remembered us from last time and that has been a couple months ago.

When we got home, I fed the baby and rocked her to sleep. I held her forever. Tim came in and kissed me on the forehead and said I looked beautiful. I about cried. I laid the baby down to sleep and she slept from then till her mom came. They ended up seeing the late movie so she did not get home until after midnight! It was a little late, but I was ok with it, in that I know she needed the break. She kept hugging me and thanking me over and over. I wouldn't accept any money. I enjoyed it.

Today we had the wee church during the service. The kids were pretty good this time. More in control and quieter! We made valentine little heart things. Tonight we had AWANA. The teacher was out because she had hurt her foot. So I was in charge. Angela, another mom, came and helped us. She has helped before and I requested she come again. She listened to the kids say their verses. It went pretty well. Tonight was Kiss night so they got lots of Hershey Kisses as treats! Chocolate!! Yum!

Tim rented some movies tonight. He is off tomorrow so he can stay up late and do whatever. Lucky him. Wish I could stay with him! Tomorrow is Early Dismissal day so the kids will elave by 2. I think I had one parent sign up for a 3:00 conference. So tomorrow should pretty good.

I'm going to hit the bed soon! zzzzzzzzz....

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunshine Rewards

Yesterday ~*~ Tomorrow

~*~Did ya miss somethin'?~*~

clothes - March 13, 2009
day off - February 16, 2009
don't hurt - February 09, 2009
rain - August 23, 2008
catching up - February 16, 2008
