Grits & Eggs

Grits & Eggs



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"thanks and thank goodness it is Friday"

2001-06-15~3:00 p.m.

It worked! It worked! I got more signatures on my guest book! Cool! Thanks Dana and Vicki! See, I like to know who is reading about me.

Don't stop filling it up! I love reading it.

VBS is over today. We had a pretty good time making Warm-Welcome Cans. I was glad to get everything cleaned up and go though. Closing ceremonies are Sunday night. I hope a lot of the kids come. I also hope they don't show a lot of pictures with me in it in the slide show. Ugh.

Our SS class is going to the Catfish House tonight. Great place for Tim since he will NOT eat anything form the water. I guess he will have to eat chicken. If they have it. We will probably be late since Tim has to get off work before we can go. And they are having a tent sale and he has to move all the furniture in before he can leave.

It is so danged hot out there! I went outside to get some sun on my legs with Scooter. We layed around out there a bit while I read this weeks People. I also got some on my back. I didn't stay too long. I won't tell you what I was wearing. We have a privacy fence so I can wear about anything I want!

I am going to take a much needed nap and then shower for tonight.

Goodbye. And keep signing the guest book!!!

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunshine Rewards

Yesterday ~*~ Tomorrow

~*~Did ya miss somethin'?~*~

clothes - March 13, 2009
day off - February 16, 2009
don't hurt - February 09, 2009
rain - August 23, 2008
catching up - February 16, 2008
