Grits & Eggs

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"medicine and students"

September 10, 2001~8:14 p.m.

Monday, Monday...

I have a headache and sinus trouble. Either I'm getting a serious allergy attack, or I'm getting a cold for sure now. My head is killing me from the pressure. And I can't take anything while at work because I get too sleepy and I can't teach. So I can only take it in the evenings. I already took some allergy medicine, lets see if it goes away. If not, I'm taking a Benadryl and hitting the sack!

I'm the queen of medicine today. I picked up a refill I had to get. I also stopped by my mom's office. She works for an orthopedist and she said he could take a look at my foot that has been killing me for what, 3 or 4 months???!?!?!? So they x-rayed it in 3 positions and it didn't look like a heel spur was there. He said I had good arch and the heel looked good. He said it was a something something or other that is not a tendon, nor a muscle that stretches from the heel to the ball of the foot. I assume that it is tight and inflamed or something. He said he could give me a cortisone injection but it is the worst place to give an injection and it HURTS! He called out for the PA to bring him some Vioxx for the "chicken!" So I'm to take 50 mg of Vioxx for 4 days and continue for 2 weeks with 25 mg and see if it will help. I should call if it doesn't help. He also gave me some gel heel cups for my shoes. I didn't tell him my mom had already given me a pair. The perks of my mom working in a doctor's office. But it had been since 1997 since I had seen him with an injury so I've been doing pretty good. I just hope these drugs can help it! I don't wanna shot!!


We had an IEP meeting today on a student. We are just meeting to change placement. We are putting him in my room because the mother wants him in mine. I have much higher functioning kids and she wants him around them. I don't know who the crazy person was that placed him in the other room. The mother thought he was going to be in my room from the start. On Wednesday we have a meeting on the student I have that SHOULD be in the other classroom. SO hopefully everyone will agree to his placement in the other room and so we will swap them out in 15 days. I think it will work well. I think it will help both students, and ultimately they both need to be where they can both achieve to the best of their ability!

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clothes - March 13, 2009
day off - February 16, 2009
don't hurt - February 09, 2009
rain - August 23, 2008
catching up - February 16, 2008
