Grits & Eggs

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"rainy Saturday"


It is a rainy Saturday. Tim is working. He came home about 10:00 and woke me. He is going to work at the Budget store this afternoon so he was coming home to shower and change. He looked so handsome in his dress shirt and dress pants. And since we have dinner at the church tonight he will be already dressed. He can just slip his jacket on. I made him wear his tie too. I was so impressed! :)

Our church is having a Spaghetti dinner tonight, headed up by the Youth department. They do it every year at this time, for Valentine's day. They do skits an stuff. Last year they had love notes where you could pay a couple dollars and write a note to your loved one and they would read them outloud to the group. I remember one lady wrote "Dear Don, I'm pregnant. Jenni" No Love or anything written on it. It was her third pg. She already had 2 girls aged 1 and 3. She ended up having a 3rd girl. So they have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a new born. I know it crushed me to hear her announce that like that. I so wish that I could do something like that tonight for Tim. Announce that I'm pg for such a special night. But here I am on my period, not less, and unable to bear a child.

I called my RE yesterday to tell him I had started. I also told him I wanted to take a couple months break. He said it was ok and to call him when I am ready. I just need a break. And to focus on Tim and I only. I cry too much thinking about babies and what the future holds for us. I'll plan to go back to my RE towards the end of the school year and discuss what is next for us.


I am about to go get a nice bubble bath. I haven't had one in a long time. Never have time, always do showers! Then I'm going to go shopping for something for Tim for Valentine's day. I still don't know what to get. He is just so special to me. I am very blessed!


Scooter is doing pretty good on pottying. But he still just squats when he has to, no matter where he is. He is playing more and more with the cat. Stormie kind of likes him. I can see she feels he is the pesky little brother, but enjoys tantalizing him! LOL They chase each other. he plays with her tail. I did catch him jump on her and try to hump her the other day. I freaked!!!! I screamed at him. He is only 2 months old and she is a CAT! Why???? So I am seriously considering getting him neutered as soon as I can! Stormie is spayed so there is no concern. Especially when she is bigger than he is. But it sure would make for some ugly puppies/kittens! Ugh what a thought!

Well, I better get in the tub and soak. I want to get things done today before it is too late!

Take care!

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunshine Rewards

Yesterday ~*~ Tomorrow

~*~Did ya miss somethin'?~*~

clothes - March 13, 2009
day off - February 16, 2009
don't hurt - February 09, 2009
rain - August 23, 2008
catching up - February 16, 2008
