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"Shopping, Spaghetti and Sitting..."


The rest of my day on Saturday~*~*~*~

After I took my lovely bubble bath...and shaved my legs...I'm sure Tim appreciated that. He looked at them the other day and was amazed. But it's been cold and I've worn pants lately so why shave them? Anyway, Iw ent to the mall and looked for THE gift to give Tim for V Day. I was goign to look for lotions and potions at the new Spencers in the mall. But I was apalled at what they had in there! Nasty things! I even saw they had "personal vibrators" in the back! Right here in the middle of the Bible Belt! I wonder if the town is going to complain about that! There was a ton of kinky stuff, I saw tongue concoms! And it was right in front where all these kids could see it. I think it shouldhave been put further back. Anyway I did buy some cute lotto cards where you scratch off three spots and you do what the card says. It was the tamest thing I could find! THen I ended up getting him a nice watch at Belk's. I had it all giftwrapped there so I didn't have to drag my stuff out. I am going to plan to cook Tim chicken parm., a nice salad, some kind of veggie, and some kind of dessert for Wednesday night. I'll look through some recipes this week. I went to Big Lots and found a cute candle set. It is a silver tray with three heart shaped candles of varying sizes on it. It was only $5.99. It was cute. I'm going to put that ont he table and I bought some red foil heart confetti and I'll sprinkle that on the table. I'm going to set the house up all pretty for him. I told him he can take me out Friday to Red Lobster, which is where he usually takes me every year. So I'm glad I have that done with! I didn't want to wait till the last minute.

Then my dad calls tonight. He is going to be out of town until Thursday. He wants me to take care of getting flowers sent to mom. I hate when he does that. He calls me at the last minute and I have to go pick out the flowers and such. I guess I'll call on Monday. I hope they are still delivering!

We had a nice time at chruch tonight. The youth did a spaghetti dinner. THey had a newlywed game and prizes and such. We won a small heart of chocolate. Then when we got home, I watched my neighbors baby while she headed to Wal-mart. It has sprinkled all day and she didn't want to get her out. The baby was good. She is 5 months old. I finished feeding her and played with her a little and put her to bed. She went to sleep quickly. Then I watched HGTV Love Nest. Now I'm home. Tim is already in bed. I'll be glad when AF is gone so we can do more than snuggle! ;)

Well, gotta go to bed so we can be up in time for church tomorrow!


Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

Sunshine Rewards

Yesterday ~*~ Tomorrow

~*~Did ya miss somethin'?~*~

clothes - March 13, 2009
day off - February 16, 2009
don't hurt - February 09, 2009
rain - August 23, 2008
catching up - February 16, 2008
