Grits & Eggs

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"so grateful!"

June 30, 2003~10:58 p.m.

I had my Dr. appointment this morning. It went pretty well and after it was over I was so thankful that God has given me such a compassionate Dr. I was about in tears, not from sadness, but from awe at having such a wonderful doctor. It started out that as I waited after my bloodwork was drawn, Dr. N. walked by and said hello in his sweet little Indian voice. Then he smiled and patted my arm with the file he was holding. He is always the type of doctor that pats your arm or such, so that is nothing new. Then after I talked with him (I'm still have AF) he said he wanted to try to do a pap anyway. After I got undressed and came back, his nice nurse came in to tell me he would be with me soon and joked with me. Then he came in and, of course, could not do the pap because I was bleeding too much. So he wanted the reports from the pap I had done at Dr. T.'s a couple months ago. While I was laying down, he asked me about how it was going with the baby stuff and I didn't really know what to say but I told him we were thinking of adoption. He asked me if we didn't want to do the injections. I told him since it was not really a sure thing, we didn't want to at this time. He said, "nothing is for certain except death and taxes!"

After the visit he said to call him next week to go over my blood tests and he would tell me if there should be any changes in meds. He was concerned for the irregular cycles and wanted the hormones checked as well.

Then as he left-he hugged me! I have never had a doctor hug me before. It was just so compassionate and I assume he did that since he felt bad for us not being successful getting pregnant. Like he wished he could do more for us. It was all I could do to not cry, just from thinking, "what a great doctor I have." Then as I'm waiting to check out, I look over and there is a large painting of the Great Physician. Have you seen that one? The one with the doctor at his desk looking over files and Jesus is behind him guiding him all the way? I just realized this is the place I'm supposed to be and to trust this doctor. I was still emotional after I left. And they didn't even ask for my co-pay when I left. It sure is different than the doctor I went to that did my arm. So opposite. I'm going to call the lady who recommended Dr. N. to me and tell her how much I like him. I have been seeing him for about 3 years now and he has always been compassionate and taken Tim and I in his office to talk and listened to me as I cried and offered tissues. This visit was just so much more confirming that he is a compassionate doctor that is doing God's work. I'm so grateful!

***Added note, I had to look up this painting and finally found it. Guess what the title is? "The Difficult Case" It shows Jesus helping the doctor try to figure out a difficult case. If that isn't exactly right for my case, I don't know what is. I have never noticed that painting before yesterday's visit.

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