Grits & Eggs

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"The next installment of This new house-O style"

2001-08-11~9:27 a.m.

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Yesterday after school (that's another story in itself!) I picked up the final blueprint drawings for our house. There were a few things that were wrong, such as the french doors opened on the left instead of right and the hose bib (see I learned a new term!)outside in the front was on the wrong side, but those are things that can be changed once they get started. I think the fact that we flipped the house plans with the garage on the right instead, it kind of got confusing. Heck, I was confused looking at it flipped now! LOL Anyway, it looks good and I am happy to see it all in detail. He even did front and back views and side views. I took pictures of it (wish I had a digital camera) and will get them developed today and scan it.

Yesterday they started clearing the grass from the home site area, where they will lay the foundation. It was storming real bad on my way home so I didn't stop to take a picture. I'm going to go today and do so. is really a reality, it is going to happen!

Now Lord, just help us sell our current house so we can have a descent down payment to bring our monthly payments down!



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