Grits & Eggs

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"ugh, the agony..."

May 29, 2002~4:58 p.m.

Oh man, my mouth is so worn out. I am so tired of clenching my jaws shut to hold this gauze in!

This morning I had my remaining 3 wisdom teeth pulled. I fought this for so long and didn't want to have them out, but I am realizing that they are crowding my other teeth and causing problems. And if I am going to get braces I would have to have these out anyway. So....I surrendered to 40 minutes of sitting in a dental chair with numbness making me feel like my mouth was swollen three times the size only to have the dentist remove all three in less than 5 minutes it seemed. At least they came out easily. THe worst was the shots. I HATE shots in the mouth, especially the roof of the mouth. UGH.

I didn't think I would take any pain meds, kind of tough it out, but the lady said that I should take them before the numbness wears off so I will have something to help. So I got the Tylenol #3 (I refused the harder stuff) filled at Walmart, while I picked up Dad's tshirt and chigger spray for his birthday (long story) and I took one of those a few hours ago. I was out like a light! I had mom to call me at 4 so I could take my erythamiacin (antibiotic) since I needed to take the last pill 6 hours after the first. I've refused to answer the phone to anyone except Tim or my parents. I don't want to talk and have to clench my mouth shut and I'm too tired to discuss anything.

I haven't eaten anything since the appt and Idoubt I will. I asked Tim to bring me home a frosty for tonight. And I have yogurt in teh fridge. Maybe I will lose weight tomorrow for my weigh in! Hehe.... It's good for something..

Oh well. Ithink I'm headed back to bed. I stayed up long enough to watch Oprah. I've got to read that YaYa Sisterhood book.

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

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clothes - March 13, 2009
day off - February 16, 2009
don't hurt - February 09, 2009
rain - August 23, 2008
catching up - February 16, 2008
