Grits & Eggs

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"Mother\'s day"

May 12, 2002~9:32 p.m.

Mother's Day went pretty well today. I did get up and go to church. I knew the preacher was expecting me to. I knew he was going to make sure they prayed for all infertiles and that they were going to do some things to make sure they included all women. So I went. I didn't sit in our regular spot near the front. I sat in the back near the side door. Before the service the preacher was going around greeting folks and he came by, shook our hands and spoke then he leaned down and told me he wanted me to really pay attention today and listen to what was being said. He also said there was a lady there from an agency and she is involved with Christian Adoption agency and he wants me to talk to her. I told him I would. He seemed really excited about me being there and they fact that they had really worked hard at making it a special day.

I looked at the bulletin to see what songs were to be sung and such and I saw the part where the lady from the agency was to speak. I then looked at her name and saw that I KNEW her! We used to attend church together at the church I went to before and her husband was the youth pastor there. They are at another church in town now and I still see them casually in the public. I knew that was a God thing...sending HER here. Someone I knew. So I plan on calling her this week and asking to meet with her. Tim and I talked about it tonight and we agree that I at least need to find out all of what goes into it and the cost and time and such. SO we will know what to prepare for in a year or so if we need it.

They did a baby dedication. I was thankful it wasn't a lot. Usually there are tons of babies lined up. There was only one, a month old that was dedicated today.

The preacher talked about how significant the day was and how mothers are special and also mentioned those that want to be mothers and those that desire it but cannot. He talked a little on that and then he prayed for all those that were struggling with infertility. It was very nice. I had my friend Pam sitting next to me with her Daughter M. so it helped to be able to be distracted a little so I was not so focused.

I did cry during the talk by the lady from the agency. But that was the only time! I think I held it together pretty well. The preacher didn't preach on mothers. He preached on a continuation of the revival from that week so that was good.

After church we left out the door we usually do and that is where the preacher stands. He hugged me and asked me if the service was good. I told him yes and then whispered that I knew A., the lady from the adoption agency and told him how I knew her. He was happy and told me I really need to contact her. I told him I would. Then one of the ushers that we know that is in our class handed me the gifts they were giving out, a bookmark and a pretty floral pen with the statement "Women of God" on it.

Then the even better thing that happened tonight...Janet, the children's ministry coordinator was talking to me this evening. We had water games outside during AWANA tonight and we were standing off to the side trying to stay dry. I felt like in between the chit chat she wanted to talk to me about something. She finally did. She told me that the funniest thing happened that week. A lady from church that she didn't even know that well came to talk to her this past week. She told her that she was unable to have a child. She has a problem with her and her husband's blood type not being right or something. She had been pregnant twice but miscarried. So they went ahead and had the husband get a vasectomy because she said it hurt every month to be going through what they were and have the disappointment. She said the lady is 31, the exact same age as me! She told her about me (didn't give my name) and told her she feels that we need to get together to talk. That we both need someone and we both are going through the same thing and she feels we can help each other. I agreed for her to pass my name on to her and have her contact me.

It was just so awesome how things fell together so well. How I went to the preacher last week and this lady came to talk about her infertility woes the next week. How awesome is that? That God would send us both to speak out so that we can find each other to comfort. So I'm looking forward to meeting her, knowing that God wants us to know each other and support each other!

Oh, and after we were through with AWANA, my friend, Pam, drove up to pick up her daughter and I went in to get her bag and bring to her. She told me that M. told her she knew Mrs. Kim was upset in church this morning (she is too smart for her own age! She is only 7 and picked up on what was going on) and that she knew how they could help me. She said they could give me her little brother! LOL I thought that was funny and sweet all the same. I told her I don't know if that would be a good thing or not. I don't know if I want him 24 hours a day! LOL It was sweet of her though. She is a sweet girl.

So needless to say, my Mother's day went a lot better than last year.

I still haven't even talked about lunch with our mothers. I'll have to write about that later...

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Sunshine Rewards

Yesterday ~*~ Tomorrow

~*~Did ya miss somethin'?~*~

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