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"auctions, Bibles, and church"

April 28, 2002~1:54 p.m.

I hwas this auction down the street at an old house so I thought, why not? So I walked down there at 10:00 am as it started. Can you believe I stayed there until 2 pm? It was really sad if you thinhk about it, this couple had died off and the estate was selling everything. They couple had their brick home plus a home next to it and a lot in back that a trailer was on. They were selling all three lots. Plus they had a HUGE brick building where the Mrs. Of the house did ceramics. She had a kiln and TONS and I mean TONS of molds for her designs. Whoever got all those would have everything they could think of. There were also 3 metal buildings full of more molds and tools for the Mr. Of the house.

They started out selling the lots, then the 1987 cadillac that only had a little over 60,000 miles on it with the original owner's manuel in the glove compartment. That sold for a couple thousand. Then they went onto the little things. Lots of lamps, costume jewelry. Stuff like that. It started making me sad that they were selling off all this stuff. But then I felt like WHO would want to buy this stuff? People bought the WEIRDEST stuff! The only thing I wanted was the front porch rockers and/or the new swing that they had built with an arbor type thing over it. It took them until almost 2 PM to get to that. Tim said pay no more than $200 for all four rockers. They ended up selling for $80 a piece! So I didn't bid. Tim can get them through work and get brand new ones about the same price. The swing sold for about $300. I'm too much of a cheapskate. I wouldn't bid. Oh and they sold old towels and cleaning supplies. Geesh. And medical stuff like used bottles of mouthwash and all. Gosh. Sad...

Then L's mom and he came over. He is my student that lives in a private institution here. She came to visit. They ate some lunch she had brought and then we watched some tv (L wanted to watch kickball (football) as he called it. Then we went walking a little to see how he was doing without his AFO's on. I think his mom was real worn out and tired. She ended up curling on teh recliner and taking a short nap while I entertained L in the computer room. I enjoyed the visit and I really think his mom needed some peace and quite and just some time to relax. I got enought slobbery kisses from Logan that day!

I also went to the Christian bookstore yesterday and bought a bible for a student that is graduating. I had him a while back and boy, was he a handful. He was the worst case, besides P. that I have now. But he has matured and he has gotte better.. But he will never be to the point where you can trust him without keeping an eye on him. But I don't blame him. I blame his parents. Some awful things were done to him in the past and his mother covered up for them and has tried to push it under a rug. He couldn't help what an adult did to him in his childhood. But the thing is now, he is so old and he can stand up for himself. Now he won't let that person do anything. He gets upset with that person and I think one time he hit his car with something. It is real sad what this person has created by his actions in the past.

But his parents want him to graduate this year. He is 18 and could stay longer since he is in Special ed. But they are going to let him attend the sheltered workshop next year that is for adults. So I asked him what he wanted for a graduation present and he told me he wanted a bible. So I told him I was going to get him one. I got him one with his name engraved on the front. I'm going to search for just the right verse to write in the front and then I'll wrap it. I hope that maybe it will give him strength, as it has given me strength through hard times.

I've decided to talk to the preacher tonight or call him tomorrow and set up a time to talk to him. I have two poems or writing that I want him to read. One is called "A mom wanna be" and the other is called a flower on Mother's day. I want to let him read those and tell him that is how I feel. That is how a lot of women are going to be feeling on that Sunday and that I would like him to be cautious of how he words things and how he "honors" mothers that day. I hope I'm able to get my point across.

Oh and we had a shock at the end of the service this morning. The youth pastor read his letter of resignation. Pure total shock to me. His wife just had a baby. I guess they will move to Virginia or Pennsylvania or wherever their family is from. I don't know much. I guess the word will get around soon and people will know why and what and all that. For now it was a shock. I felt too that maybe he shouldn't be doing what he was doing. I felt that he had a calling to do something else. He didn't have the people skills or maturity or professional skills to be doing the job he had. I do wish them the best. I think his wife is an awesome woman of God and that I can only hope to be as soft spoken and disciplined as she is in the Word. I'll miss her. She did our Women's Bible studies last year.

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