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"Friday night stuff..carnival and ss and grandmas"

April 20, 2002~9:34 a.m.

Our school had it's first Spring Carnival yesterday. I think it was a success. It looked like a ton of people came and they made a lot of money. They spent a lot too on prizes and stuff so I hope they came out ahead. I also hope they do it again next year. In the neighborhood the school is in, it was a little strange to have one, but people came. I guess we are getting the snotty parents with money who have their kids at our school now and they want this nice stuff. Not that that is a bad thing. We need stuff like this. Our kids need stuff like this. I worked it for the first hour, then I had to scoot. Before I left I bought 5 raffle tickets for gift baskets. That is a new thing they started last year. They ask kids to bring items for different theme baskets and they package them up real nice and you buy a ticket for the one you like and hope to win. I hope I win one at least. It would be nice. Our church is doing the same thing next week. I'm going to bid on a lot of them. THey are nice. Our basket for our class is a movie basket and it will be worth a lot. It has movie tickets and movie passes and all sorts of things. Another basket is supposed to have a free stay at a local bed and breakfast. I've always wanted to stay at one. SO maybe.... I'll shell out some bucks for all that. It all goes to the church anyway.

Last night after the carnival I rushed to meet Tim and we left from his store to go to Lake Park for a Sunday School social. Our "new" class wanted to get together so we all know each other. Since we split in two groups, we don't know the new young ones. So it was nice to get to know them all. But I still had this feeling of loneliness... like I didn't fit in. We are so much older than everyone there. There is only one guy that is older that was from the original class. Everyone is so YOUNG! I'm talking newlyweds and early 20 somethings. And here I am approaching 32 this summer. And Tim is approaching 30 in October. I just feel like we are too old for them but then we won't fit in the other class because we don't have children. I guess we can go to that class, but we like our teacher. So I guess we stay. It is hard to be in the middle. But Tim keeps reminding me that we are the "role models" for the class. We can be the example for the younger ones for when they need advice on marriage or something. That hopefully we can show them how spouses should treat each other. Something tells me that title should be called the "grandparents" of the group. Yeah, Guess I'm a Grandma. I feel like one. :)

Tim did tell me he talked to a past co worker the other day. She asked how we were doing and about children. She knew we were trying a while back when she got pg with her child. She told him to not forget that she and her husband tried 10 years and tired IVF and other stuff. To get pg finally and now they have 2. I keep holding onto that hope.

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