Grits & Eggs

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"Friday Five"

February 01, 2002~3:35 p.m.

1. Have you ever had braces? Any other teeth trauma?

No braces, although I have wanted them forever. I still want them and might get them, even as an adult. My teeth are starting to move, even as I have matured. I did have a retainer for a while to move one tooth back and it did move back but then pushed another in. I tried to get caps on my front teeth because my two teeth next to my front teeth are so small but one fell off so I had them take them all off. I would like to get braces eventually. But I want a baby more, so money goes to that instead.

2. Ever broken any bones?

Yes, in my foot. I passed out for some unknown reason one Sunday morning in the shower then later passed out again for I don't know how long and in falling down I bent my foot back a nd broke the bone in the middle of my foot. I just had to wear an orthopedic shoe for a while and it healed very nicely.

3. Ever had stitches?

Yes, I had some on the left side of my head under the scalp, I had a huge one running from the middle of my back to underneath my left breast, I had a small one in my belly button and two smaller ones on each side of my stomach where my ovaries are.

4. What are the stories behind some of your [physical] scars?

The one on my head was from when I was young. I was playing in a pile of wood blocks on a farm and my mother was throwing piles of wood over to it and did not see me, the small piece of 2X4 hit me in the head and we had to drive forever into town to get stitches. We always joke about my mom hitting me in the head with a 2X4.

The one on my side from my back to front is from when I had heart surgery when I was 14 to correct a patent ductus arteriosis. It was rare that it was not found out until I was that old. My doctor was a quack! I had no symptoms really though except a murmur. So for the rest of my life now, I have to take antibiotics when I go to the dentist or have major surgery.

The scars on my belly button and my ovary area are from when I had my ovaries cauterized two summers ago in an attempt to rid me of cysts and be able to get pregnant. It hasn't worked yet and as I say, all I've got left to show for it is three new scars and a $3000 + doctor bill! Thankfully I paid my last payment this month. I'm free and clear!

I also have a small scar on my left index finger, I don't know where it came form.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?

Tonight we "might" go out with my parents as my Dad is leaving for 2 weeks of business in Florida. The might comes in that we haven't asked them yet! LOL

Tomorrow I will sleep late, then Tanya is coming over to work on IEP's. She said she wants to take Tim and I out to dinner to Mom & Dad's after he gets off work to pay me back for helping her. I told her I refused to let her pay. We will see who wins!

Sunday is the usually Sunday, SS, wee church this week instead of church service, lunch, nap, AWANA, watch TV, clean up and get ready for bed.

I think I may not go to Sunday School as Heather might be announcing she is pg and I think I'd rather not be there.

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clothes - March 13, 2009
day off - February 16, 2009
don't hurt - February 09, 2009
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catching up - February 16, 2008
