Grits & Eggs

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"Christmas parties and Old time crushes"

December 11, 2001~12:18 a.m.

We had our school's Christmas party tonight. We were a little late as I was late trying to find panty hose without runs. Then I had to take Tim his suit to change into. It was funny, here is Tim in the middle of a bunch of recliners changing his clothes. Good thing the store was closed and he was the only salesman left! LOL

The food was pretty good. They had the most awesome creamed corn. And the desserts were a plenty!

This is the first year I didn't win a door prize. I guess it is time to give to others. Haha. Last year I won a $20 gift certificate to Longhorns. One lady won a $40 gift certificate to a steak house here. woohoo. I asked her when she was taking us!

We sat next to Karen and her husband again. She said it is an annual tradition we have to sit together. They are nice people. Karen bought a sparkly red top to wear. She said she wanted to shine like I was! I had told her about my top I was wearing, with it's shiny threads all over it. So we shined tonight! And since I told her I was making Tim wear a coat and tie, she made Jami wear one too. So we all looked good!

We drove around looking at Christmas lights afterwards in the neighborhood the party was held at. It has a club house where the dinner was. We sawa friend of my parents walking her dog and she invited us in. There home is gorgeous! I was in awe and envy! It was so huge and all the ceilings were tall. Even the doors! Wow! But they are just carnies. But they have a nice home and love it. I got to see pics of their 8 month old grandson.

Now see, to go back a ways, in my childhood days and High school I always had a crush, a MAJOR crush on their oldest son. He is the one that has the new baby. It was neat to see the pics of the family he and his wife and child and to see how happy he was and loving to his son. Made me envious. But just envious of the baby. I know I have a much more adoring husband and who God wanted me to be with. All in all, it is always strange to be around them because they probably don't know I dreamed of being their dauther in law one day! Yikes!

We address Christmas cards tonight. I also sent a bunch out and included invitations to the Open House to all the local ones. So far I counted 45 cards. I ran out. I have to go buy more. Geesh...

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